lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

The Fifth Managerial System of H. Dubric: The real alternative to achieve success in business.

The Fifth Managerial System of H. Dubric: The real alternative to achieve success in business.

H. Dubric, Venezuelan business consultant and writer on management topics, with over 30 years experience in business and commercial affairs, has continued to impress with his strong and accurate statements in his nine books published for the formation of the New Executive.

Nacimiento de un Nuevo Ejecutivo, Virtud y Negocios, Ética y Moral Ejecutiva, Visión Estratégica, Crisis y Futuro, Efecto Dominó ¿Liderazgo?, Cómo vencer la corrupción y la incertidumbre del Futuro, El Quinto Sistema y la Gerencia Efectiva y El Quinto Sistema Nuevo Orden Gerencial.
The author: a Venezuelan writer.

It is important to indicate that H. Dubric, is a pragmatic businessman, observer, analyst and very retailer in Business matters and variables of the different markets, since 1974 he has been   developing The Fifth System or managerial style of direction and managing, called "Free initiative" making and condense it into its nine extraordinary works which are being promoted globally, its FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM is a DIRECT CONTRIBUTION FOR THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING.

This Venezuelan writer has been advocating through his works the urgent need to retire those old stagnant patterns existing in the chairs of vocational training which are quite developed through rational psychological subjective fed external sensory perceptions.

In 1992 he became a free agent, forming company with other professionals to provide services both in management education, and having investigation in market research studies since in the preparation of investment projects and business modules.

It shows that the writers of managerial topics issues these times, have been lost in the maze of theories and assumptions, to give greater prominence to the paradigm shift that the annihilation of the ego, to acquire a new vision, based on consciousness of individuals, able to provide fairness in times of turbulence, political, economic, social and natural shocks.

His books have been written for a new way of thinking and to face business challenges, thus achieving a substantial change, able to generate in practice greater sagacity to provide solutions to critical situations and display more judicious choice of priorities.

In these books he shows us in didactic form the tools to overcome the CORRUPTION, treachery, bribes and TO WIN, TO WIN, finishing with so many complaints and unmotivated in team.

The Fifth System of Direction and Managing of the "Free Initiative", in H. Dubric not only closes fissures, but he places bridges among the uncertainty called future and the results of the present.

In short, the new direction of business and marketing, and has already a  compass that shows not only where we should go, but explains why all thanks to the accurate and forceful statements of this writer and Venezuelan businessman H. Dubric.

Press H. Dubric


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